What We Believe/Ce Credem:
Prima Biserica Baptista Romana din Detroit este un loc in care Dumnezeu pregateste cetateni pentru imparatia Cerurilor!
“Cautati mai intai imparatia lui Dumnezeu si neprihanirea Lui si toate aceste lucruri vi se vor da pe deasupra.” Matei 6:33
Prima Biserica Baptista Romana din Detroit doreste sa fie:
• Un loc pentru toti cei ce-L cauta pe Dumnezeu.
• Un cadru pentru dezvoltarea unui spirit familial în care sa fie promovate sentimente sincere de respect si apreciere a
valorilor investite de Dumnezeu in fiecare credincios.
• Un instrument folosit de Dumnezeu pentru convertirea oamenilor pierduti in cetateni ai imparatiei Cerurilor,
cresterea celor convertiti în vederea exersarii darurilor spirituale si extinderea Impăratiei lui Dumnezeu, in imediata vecinatate, in Romania si pana la marginile pamantului.
Our Pastor:
Rev. Sorin Covaci, our pastor was born in Hateg, Romania and is a graduate of Bucharest Theological Seminary.
He also earned a PhD in Spiritual Formation from the University of Bucharest.
His pastorate at First Romanian Baptist Church begun in 2002. Approaching ministry from different angles whether it is serving as a teacher, hospital chaplain, or as a radio producer, he is passionate about spiritual formation and worldview interactions.
In the exposition of the Bible he is mindful of the relevance of the biblical truth for every day life. His preaching is aimed at the formation of believers, in order to experience life according to God’s design.
Our Location:
3244 John R Rd, Troy, MI 48083
Service Times:
Wednesday: 7pm Prayer and Bible Study
Saturday: 7pm Youth Night
Sunday AM: 930am Prayer / 1015am Sunday School / 1100am Worship Service
Sunday PM: 500pm Worship Service